Teaching in a P-6 learning environment provides the ultimate learning opportunity for each student. It allows us, as teachers, to target individual student needs, strengths and interests. We value and invest in establishing a personal connection with every student and family, which guides the student's learning journey. We don't deliver curriculum, we connect our students to the curriculum. We incorporate a range of educational approaches to cater for a range of learning styles and offer up to date programs including digital technology, drone technology, online learning opportunities and music. We promote intrinsic motivation for learning, with direct and explicit teaching of curriculum balanced with engaging inquiry, project and event based learning opportunities.
Maroon State School provides exceptionally high quality learning experiences. Our teaching and learning team is committed to providing first class, engaging learning opportunities for all students. We value the Arts, Sport, Community and each other. We work as a strong dedicated community to provide every student with confidence, independence and a love of learning. We are leading our students along an exciting journey to lifelong learning. We offer outstanding opportunities for our students to thrive, including small school camps and opportunities to compete across our cluster of schools in academic, sporting and creative ventures. We value partnerships with other schools and work diligently, within the cluster of schools, to ensure that the academic standards achieved at Maroon State School are consistent with the academic standards achieved across our cluster and are aligned with the Australian Curriculum standards. Our students take ownership of their learning and demonstrate a love of reading and a desire to write. Learning is personalised for every student to address his or her different learning needs and interests. Our students are inspired to succeed; they set goals, support one another and work together to achieve; 'Success Through Effort'.
The sound of happy children singing, laughing, cheering, encouraging each other and trying their best, is the sound of learning at Maroon State School. It is such a pleasure to be a part of a wonderful team committed to ensuring that every student succeeds every day. A small P-6 school is truly the most wonderful way to launch a child's learning future!
Grayham Tyler
Teaching Principal